
Sunday, August 11, 2013

12 reasons babies cry and how to soothe them

There's no getting around it: Babies cry. It's how they communicate hunger, pain, fear, a need for sleep, and more.

So how are parents supposed to know what their baby is trying to tell them? It can be tricky to interpret your child’s cries, especially at first.
Here are the most common reasons babies cry. If your little one is wailing and you don't know why, work your way down the list. Chances are you'll find something that helps.

1. Hunger

This is probably the first thing you think of when your baby cries.
Learning to recognize the signs of hunger will help you start your baby's feedings before the crying stage. Some signs to watch for in newborns: fussing, smacking of lips, rooting (a newborn reflex that causes babies to turn their head toward your hand when you stroke their cheek), and putting  their hands to their mouth.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Getting Started Baby Signing

Getting Started

When should I start baby signing?

You can start signing as early as you want but eight to nine months of age is a good age to start. It won't hurt to try earlier but baby may not start to sign till later.

What signs should I start with?

Milk, drink, eat, mommy, daddy, more, up, down, cat, dog (or other family pet). These are all good signs to start off with. When you start introducing a sign, you will want to say the word as you sign it. Be very repetitive. Part of learning language is done through repetition. The more your baby hears and sees the sign, the more familiar she will be with it. For example every time your baby wants to nurse or take a bottle you can ask her would you like some "milk" and sign "milk". Do this several times so she associates milk with the sign milk. She may watch you sign for quite a while before she actually starts signing back to you.

Baby Signing (The Fun of Teaching Your Baby to Sign)

What is baby signing?

Baby signing is using gestures or signs to communicate with your baby. Many moms use American or British Sign Language when teaching their babies to sign but it is perfectly okay to create your own signs. The purpose of baby signing is to communicate with your baby. Babies are able to use hand gestures much earlier than they can communicate with words. Not being able to communicate can be frustrating for baby and mom. Teaching your baby signs gives her the opportunity to communicate with you possibly months before she can actually talk.

Communicate with baby earlier: Babies who sign can communicate their needs sooner because they can communicate before they are capable of talking. This is particularly helpful for children who have speech and language delays. Some kids do not begin talking till they are two years old or older; therefore, baby signing gives them a way to communicate their needs.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ideal Height And Weight Infants

To determine the weight and size of the ideal baby height, each region has different standards. Babies who originated the Asian region in general has a smaller body form when compared to infants who came from Europe, then the default is also not as heavy and as high as a baby from the region.
According to the standard size of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, weight for age younger infants under three months is between 3.4 to 5.7 kilograms. As for the ideal baby height is about 40.5 to 60 inches. Then, when the age of the baby step on the age of four to six months, the baby's weight is ideal is 5 to 7.4 kilograms. Size ideal for her height around 62.5 to 66 centimeters.
Once they entered at the age of seven to nine months, the baby's weight rose to around 8 to 8.9 pounds.

Causes of Infant Vomiting

Babies who we love, often experience vomiting. As parents, we often become frantic as our baby vomit. The panic usually happens because we do not know the cause of the vomiting baby so we do not know what really happened to the baby. Therefore, it would be nice if parents know what baby cause vomiting, so no one in taking action.
One of the causes of infant vomiting are common colds. Colds actually only a layman's term in the medical world because this term is not known. In medicine, the symptoms of colds is just the beginning of a disease to be diagnosed further.
However, there are some characteristics that colds babies could be identified. Characteristic features of the baby colds among them;
1. Behavioral changes in infants. Babies are usually calm, be cranky and whiny.2. Baby not eating, stomach bloating accompanied by vomiting. Sometimes followed by mild diarrhea, which usually defecate 2 times a day, 3 times now.3. Fever or elevated body temperature.